fredag 29 oktober 2010

Shit my dad says!

Irony of it all=)

Last comment in Shit my dad says ep 5;

Dad, it was one article. It's not like im gonna make a whole career writing down things you say!

The irony of it all=)

onsdag 27 oktober 2010

The hunt for Meaningless

Isn't it ridiculous that we still hunt them? I'm talking about those meaningless achievements in WoW that we aim for and grind our fingers to the bones to get. Well, we all know that we never really get to the point we do them, those special Feat Of Strength Achievements. Well today I broke the meaningless striving for them and went all out to just get a few of those done. For instance, Bloodsail Admiral, it's been there for ever to do but all you hear in forums and comment-posts, is that it's a real pain to do. Well thats a total and utterly load of manure ><

I braced myself and started the mayhem in Booty Bay and it took me less then 3h to get to friendly with Bloodsailes and then it was a short quest to finish it. Even if it bugged the hell out of me that peeps kept coming to kill my Bloodsail Questgiver. But I got it done=)
So, now a proud owner of a regalia pirate set I now find myself looking for the next Achievement that I have postponed for so long.

Seems Cataclysm is already giving us a boost, even if it only on a personal level. For me, it's the drive to complete certain things that will forever disappear soon =(

So if you haven't gotten to it yet, Go GO GO GO!!!! Get those to-do things done, before it is too late!

måndag 25 oktober 2010

Preordered and exciting

So I was pretty bummed today when I woke up today, dont know why. But I was. So heading down to town with my kid (home sick from daycare) and things went better then I anticipated.
A friend called and asked if he couldn't treat me and my kid to dinner=) Said and done=) While waiting for them to show up at the mall I strolled around and bought a coloring book to my kid and there it was, WoW Cata preorder=)

Daddy ran in and booked one Collectors Edition and Im getting it the 6th at midnight=) Yea you know the exact time and date;)


lördag 23 oktober 2010

Answers to some Important Questions

Curtsy of WoWInsiders reporters at Blizzcon 2010

When is the beta going to be coming down?

It generally comes down a little bit before we go live with a patch. [no direct answer of when the beta is ending]

When is the Cataclysm pre-event?

It's already getting geared up. We're going to see large scale elemental invasions of the cities. That's going to escalate. For a while it's going to shut down the world.

How far out is that?

A couple of weeks before Cataclysm.

Where are the new dances? Will path of the titans make a comeback?

We have been working on new dances. We'll put that into the dance studio feature we've been working on before, and will release that when we have enough content and it's ready.

Path of the titans, it's too early to say if it'll make a comeback.

How many tiers of content before Deathwing?

We're still trying to figure that out. We know we'll have a patch 4.1 and 4.2. We don't know if Deathwing will be in 4.2 or 4.3.

There ya have it ppl=)

Strap on ya Dancing-shoes cause it's time to Samba

Oh yea, good things come to those that wait for Blizzard=)
The Dance Studio (that was promised for LK Expansion) is still in the works!

This means that soon we will be able to change our bloody dance styles and maybe, just maybe, we can customize them to fit our needs.

World Premier Worgen Intro!

So here it is people!

The Worgen Cinematic Movie Premiere from Blizzcon 2010

World Premier Cinematic for Cata!!!!!

WoW Insider just tweeted "World premier of a new in-game Cataclysm cinematic happening soon! Stay tuned!"

So we will and i will spread the word!

Back to WoW and Sparkulpony!

So I guess I should have stated before my ranting that i actually been away from WoW since June and I went back just 4-5 days ago. Why? Guess I must be here the whole ten yards before the Cataclysm of the world we know and love, will tear it asunder.

And for those who's not playing at the moment, you will be surprised when you return. It's a whole new game, especially if you play a Paladin.

They got a whole new power to their disposal called Holy Power and works more or less like a DK's Runepower. You cut/stab/bash something with your Crusader Strike (mainly) and gain a charge of Holy Power (you can have a max of 3). This charge can then be utilized to strengthen and activate certain abilities. This is at least the point of view from Ret Paladin, things change a little but not much, depending on your chosen build=)

And it continues! Your talent-points have diminished to 38-39 i think, and have been refunded to you. And the whole tree have had a overhaul, for all classes. Now you must chose a main path and follow it to the bottom before you can start swinging into another path. Example: I spent 33 points in Retribution before i could put my last 5 in protection^^

And there is so much more. Play around with your UI and you'll see;)

And for he Sparkulpony! Whats that? Well it's my Celestial Steed;) And it seems there are ALLOT of haters of them=( They call them TRH due to that it screems, sorta, qhwn you cant fly and it tries to jump instead. Who cares!
Annoying? Well not really since I CAN LOWER THE VOLUME on SFX - Morons, stop the QQ!!! Cause the Sparkulpony is the best mount as of yet amongst my collection since it can ride and fly. I can summon it everywhere, meaning Azeroth, Nortrend and Outland!

For more info see;


Cataclysm Intro Movie

Yea i know it's almost a week since it was released but i find it so amazingly well done that I find myself now making a post about it. Maybe it's just for myself or not. I hope anyways that you take your time and watch it just one more time, it deserves it=)

And I can almost certainly promise that you'll find something new in the vid that youu didn't see the first time.


Better maps in Cata!

Yes, i forgot to mention that maps from vanilla to WotLK is getting an much needed update. Not only will we get maps for the Azeroth's Dungeons and Instances but we will also see 3D images of the Bosses, their Loot table and Ability tables. And we will also get lore on the place and bosses=)

This is just the BIGGEST changes and there are many more. Read them all on


Outland and Northrend revamped...eventually!

So the news was released just a few hours ago that Northrend and Outland is gonna get an overhaul, eventually...=(

Well, we cant be grouchy about it, cause Northrend have about 1000 quests and their actually redoing the whole of Azeroth with its million of changes and its 3500 quests^^ So yea, we can cut them some slack cause as they said them selfs, time is the only thing lacking atm.

On another note, Firelands (Mount Hyjal introduction Instance) and Abyssal Maw (Vashj'ir) is introduced in 4.1.0 patch, but when it will be released is yet very uncertain. Yours truly believes it will most likely be somewhere around new years eve, either side of the year.


Another Hiatus...=(

Being on hiatus is never fun, some shit in life hits the fan and you get it all over ya face...ewww.
But thats the thing, it's almost always involuntarily (at least for me) and it comes when you least need it.

So whats new pussycat?
Well Blizzcon is on and almost over=/ But a lot of lovely news have been release about just WoW and Cata and there where a lot surprises (for me at least) about the new 4.1.0 patch=)

Oh and on the other hand, Blizzard has posted a temporary solution for the Headless Horseman/Loot bug with a macro script. Left click the macro button to disable the tool-tips (which causes the crashes) and right-click the macro to enable it again.

/script GameTooltip.Temphide = function() GameTooltip:Hide() end; GameTooltip:SetScript("OnShow", GameTooltip.Temphide)
/stopmacro [btn:1]
/script GameTooltip:SetScript("OnShow", GameTooltip.Show);

Hope it helps you.

On another side, Mike Morheimer and Co let us know that all the profits from the Pandaren Monk Vanity Pet from Blizzstore have been donated to Make-A-Wish-Foundation ( and that a Moonkin Pet is set to release in November at Blizzstore and if the trends sticks we might see the profits go to some other charity project=)

So what about you? Where did ya go off too?
-Well, starting a business takes time and I went to summer-school to learn Corporate Economy A. Which is kinds good to know when you gonna do budgets and keep books . So that's still coming along, takes a bit more time to find the right spot for the store and so on. So we'll see starting next year where I stand then.

Well thats all for me today. Talk to ya soon again=)