torsdag 23 december 2010
The Hobbit catches another nordic actor
Mikael Persbrandt is rumored to play Beorn in the new The Hobbit-movies.
söndag 5 december 2010
WoW Cataclysm tjuvsläppt/WoW Cataclysm faulty release
Helgen har stått i Cataclysm sigul och det har sakta florerat rykten om vad som hänt.
Vad har hänt undrar du. Jo, någon butik vid namn "Rock"-någonting, hade visst brutit releaseplanen och börjat sälja Cataclysm redan i Fredags. Detta ledde
till att Blizzard skickade ut ett massmeddelande att det var ok att börja sälja, men knappt tio timmar senare så kom en kontraorder där de skrev att
Cataclysm inte får säljas än. Under Lördagen skickade Gamestop ut mass-sms till alla deras kunder att det var bara att komma in och hämta sin kopia, men de drog även de tillbaka
sitt beslut efter Blizzard korrigerade sitt beslut om att ej släppa det.
Det visar sig också att vissa web-butiker har redan skickat ut kopior. Några spekulerade och påstod att de har redan fått sina paket från webbhallen/cdon och liknande. Dock är de
inte allt för tillförlitliga dessa rykten, men dock kvarstår att ett okänt antal personer har fått köpa sin Cataclysm-box/Cataclysm CE-Box igår Lördag. Vissa av exemplaren som
köptes var från Gamestop. Men nu är det stopp för alla köp tills i morgon natt, då alla väntas stå och köa inför det RIKTIGA släppet.
English rough translation after the break.
The weekend has been at the Cataclysm sigul and it has slowly flourished rumors about what happened.
What happened you ask. Well, a shop named "Rock"-something, had apparently broken the release plan and began to sell Cataclysm early as Friday. This led
that Blizzard sent out a mass message that it was okay to start selling, but less than ten hours later, came a counter-order in which they wrote that
Cataclysm not for sale yet. During Saturday sent Game Stop out mass text messages to all their customers that it was just to come in and pick up their copy, but they also pulled the back
its decision after Blizzard corrected its decision to not let it go.
It also turns out that some web stores have already sent out copies. Some speculated and argued that they have already received their packages from your hall / CDON and the like. However, the
not too reliable these rumors, but still remains that an unknown number of people have been buying their Cataclysm-box/Cataclysm CE Box yesterday Saturday. Some of the specimens which
was purchased from Game Stop. But now it's an end to all purchases until tomorrow night, when everyone is expected to stand and queue up for the REAL release.
Vad har hänt undrar du. Jo, någon butik vid namn "Rock"-någonting, hade visst brutit releaseplanen och börjat sälja Cataclysm redan i Fredags. Detta ledde
till att Blizzard skickade ut ett massmeddelande att det var ok att börja sälja, men knappt tio timmar senare så kom en kontraorder där de skrev att
Cataclysm inte får säljas än. Under Lördagen skickade Gamestop ut mass-sms till alla deras kunder att det var bara att komma in och hämta sin kopia, men de drog även de tillbaka
sitt beslut efter Blizzard korrigerade sitt beslut om att ej släppa det.
Det visar sig också att vissa web-butiker har redan skickat ut kopior. Några spekulerade och påstod att de har redan fått sina paket från webbhallen/cdon och liknande. Dock är de
inte allt för tillförlitliga dessa rykten, men dock kvarstår att ett okänt antal personer har fått köpa sin Cataclysm-box/Cataclysm CE-Box igår Lördag. Vissa av exemplaren som
köptes var från Gamestop. Men nu är det stopp för alla köp tills i morgon natt, då alla väntas stå och köa inför det RIKTIGA släppet.
English rough translation after the break.
The weekend has been at the Cataclysm sigul and it has slowly flourished rumors about what happened.
What happened you ask. Well, a shop named "Rock"-something, had apparently broken the release plan and began to sell Cataclysm early as Friday. This led
that Blizzard sent out a mass message that it was okay to start selling, but less than ten hours later, came a counter-order in which they wrote that
Cataclysm not for sale yet. During Saturday sent Game Stop out mass text messages to all their customers that it was just to come in and pick up their copy, but they also pulled the back
its decision after Blizzard corrected its decision to not let it go.
It also turns out that some web stores have already sent out copies. Some speculated and argued that they have already received their packages from your hall / CDON and the like. However, the
not too reliable these rumors, but still remains that an unknown number of people have been buying their Cataclysm-box/Cataclysm CE Box yesterday Saturday. Some of the specimens which
was purchased from Game Stop. But now it's an end to all purchases until tomorrow night, when everyone is expected to stand and queue up for the REAL release.
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