torsdag 23 december 2010

The Hobbit catches another nordic actor

Mikael Persbrandt is rumored to play Beorn in the new The Hobbit-movies.

söndag 5 december 2010

WoW Cataclysm tjuvsläppt/WoW Cataclysm faulty release

Helgen har stått i Cataclysm sigul och det har sakta florerat rykten om vad som hänt.
Vad har hänt undrar du. Jo, någon butik vid namn "Rock"-någonting, hade visst brutit releaseplanen och börjat sälja Cataclysm redan i Fredags. Detta ledde
till att Blizzard skickade ut ett massmeddelande att det var ok att börja sälja, men knappt tio timmar senare så kom en kontraorder där de skrev att
Cataclysm inte får säljas än. Under Lördagen skickade Gamestop ut mass-sms till alla deras kunder att det var bara att komma in och hämta sin kopia, men de drog även de tillbaka
sitt beslut efter Blizzard korrigerade sitt beslut om att ej släppa det.

Det visar sig också att vissa web-butiker har redan skickat ut kopior. Några spekulerade och påstod att de har redan fått sina paket från webbhallen/cdon och liknande. Dock är de
inte allt för tillförlitliga dessa rykten, men dock kvarstår att ett okänt antal personer har fått köpa sin Cataclysm-box/Cataclysm CE-Box igår Lördag. Vissa av exemplaren som
köptes var från Gamestop. Men nu är det stopp för alla köp tills i morgon natt, då alla väntas stå och köa inför det RIKTIGA släppet.

English rough translation after the break.


The weekend has been at the Cataclysm sigul and it has slowly flourished rumors about what happened.
What happened you ask. Well, a shop named "Rock"-something, had apparently broken the release plan and began to sell Cataclysm early as Friday. This led
that Blizzard sent out a mass message that it was okay to start selling, but less than ten hours later, came a counter-order in which they wrote that
Cataclysm not for sale yet. During Saturday sent Game Stop out mass text messages to all their customers that it was just to come in and pick up their copy, but they also pulled the back
its decision after Blizzard corrected its decision to not let it go.

It also turns out that some web stores have already sent out copies. Some speculated and argued that they have already received their packages from your hall / CDON and the like. However, the
not too reliable these rumors, but still remains that an unknown number of people have been buying their Cataclysm-box/Cataclysm CE Box yesterday Saturday. Some of the specimens which
was purchased from Game Stop. But now it's an end to all purchases until tomorrow night, when everyone is expected to stand and queue up for the REAL release.

måndag 22 november 2010


So i've been abcent a few days (seems to be my style) but only due to some serious work.
Been working on a project, a community actually, but as it seems I need to pause that project and work on another project the next few days and LAUNCH it=)

It's a secret at the moment, but you will know when it's time to know, promise;)

onsdag 10 november 2010

Thought on "Chinese fishing boat rams the Japan Coast Guard's ship"

A small thought about the hardships between Japan and C(s)hi(t)na. Yes I am biased here!
China is sour for the Okinawa island is Japans and not theirs!

Here is the ode! Or whatever you wanna call it!

There was a tree between China and Japan. Japan was asking whom this belongs to. Nobody claimed it, including China. Japan said this is mine, and still nobody said anything.
Japan took care of the tree and China was not concerned.
Now the tree bear fruit that everybody wants. All the sudden China said "Hey, that's my tree!"

söndag 7 november 2010

Halloween Special WoW Vid ;)

Check out gigi, nymh and a few more, special tribute to warcraft's hallows end;) Big kudos to the gang behind it. Your true stars!!!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5


So i finally
got a modern cellphone. Went and bought me a HTC desire today so i can keep shit up to date since i have a BIG project that gonna hit the Web between Jan 1st and Feb 1st:)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

fredag 29 oktober 2010

Shit my dad says!

Irony of it all=)

Last comment in Shit my dad says ep 5;

Dad, it was one article. It's not like im gonna make a whole career writing down things you say!

The irony of it all=)

onsdag 27 oktober 2010

The hunt for Meaningless

Isn't it ridiculous that we still hunt them? I'm talking about those meaningless achievements in WoW that we aim for and grind our fingers to the bones to get. Well, we all know that we never really get to the point we do them, those special Feat Of Strength Achievements. Well today I broke the meaningless striving for them and went all out to just get a few of those done. For instance, Bloodsail Admiral, it's been there for ever to do but all you hear in forums and comment-posts, is that it's a real pain to do. Well thats a total and utterly load of manure ><

I braced myself and started the mayhem in Booty Bay and it took me less then 3h to get to friendly with Bloodsailes and then it was a short quest to finish it. Even if it bugged the hell out of me that peeps kept coming to kill my Bloodsail Questgiver. But I got it done=)
So, now a proud owner of a regalia pirate set I now find myself looking for the next Achievement that I have postponed for so long.

Seems Cataclysm is already giving us a boost, even if it only on a personal level. For me, it's the drive to complete certain things that will forever disappear soon =(

So if you haven't gotten to it yet, Go GO GO GO!!!! Get those to-do things done, before it is too late!

måndag 25 oktober 2010

Preordered and exciting

So I was pretty bummed today when I woke up today, dont know why. But I was. So heading down to town with my kid (home sick from daycare) and things went better then I anticipated.
A friend called and asked if he couldn't treat me and my kid to dinner=) Said and done=) While waiting for them to show up at the mall I strolled around and bought a coloring book to my kid and there it was, WoW Cata preorder=)

Daddy ran in and booked one Collectors Edition and Im getting it the 6th at midnight=) Yea you know the exact time and date;)


lördag 23 oktober 2010

Answers to some Important Questions

Curtsy of WoWInsiders reporters at Blizzcon 2010

When is the beta going to be coming down?

It generally comes down a little bit before we go live with a patch. [no direct answer of when the beta is ending]

When is the Cataclysm pre-event?

It's already getting geared up. We're going to see large scale elemental invasions of the cities. That's going to escalate. For a while it's going to shut down the world.

How far out is that?

A couple of weeks before Cataclysm.

Where are the new dances? Will path of the titans make a comeback?

We have been working on new dances. We'll put that into the dance studio feature we've been working on before, and will release that when we have enough content and it's ready.

Path of the titans, it's too early to say if it'll make a comeback.

How many tiers of content before Deathwing?

We're still trying to figure that out. We know we'll have a patch 4.1 and 4.2. We don't know if Deathwing will be in 4.2 or 4.3.

There ya have it ppl=)

Strap on ya Dancing-shoes cause it's time to Samba

Oh yea, good things come to those that wait for Blizzard=)
The Dance Studio (that was promised for LK Expansion) is still in the works!

This means that soon we will be able to change our bloody dance styles and maybe, just maybe, we can customize them to fit our needs.

World Premier Worgen Intro!

So here it is people!

The Worgen Cinematic Movie Premiere from Blizzcon 2010

World Premier Cinematic for Cata!!!!!

WoW Insider just tweeted "World premier of a new in-game Cataclysm cinematic happening soon! Stay tuned!"

So we will and i will spread the word!

Back to WoW and Sparkulpony!

So I guess I should have stated before my ranting that i actually been away from WoW since June and I went back just 4-5 days ago. Why? Guess I must be here the whole ten yards before the Cataclysm of the world we know and love, will tear it asunder.

And for those who's not playing at the moment, you will be surprised when you return. It's a whole new game, especially if you play a Paladin.

They got a whole new power to their disposal called Holy Power and works more or less like a DK's Runepower. You cut/stab/bash something with your Crusader Strike (mainly) and gain a charge of Holy Power (you can have a max of 3). This charge can then be utilized to strengthen and activate certain abilities. This is at least the point of view from Ret Paladin, things change a little but not much, depending on your chosen build=)

And it continues! Your talent-points have diminished to 38-39 i think, and have been refunded to you. And the whole tree have had a overhaul, for all classes. Now you must chose a main path and follow it to the bottom before you can start swinging into another path. Example: I spent 33 points in Retribution before i could put my last 5 in protection^^

And there is so much more. Play around with your UI and you'll see;)

And for he Sparkulpony! Whats that? Well it's my Celestial Steed;) And it seems there are ALLOT of haters of them=( They call them TRH due to that it screems, sorta, qhwn you cant fly and it tries to jump instead. Who cares!
Annoying? Well not really since I CAN LOWER THE VOLUME on SFX - Morons, stop the QQ!!! Cause the Sparkulpony is the best mount as of yet amongst my collection since it can ride and fly. I can summon it everywhere, meaning Azeroth, Nortrend and Outland!

For more info see;


Cataclysm Intro Movie

Yea i know it's almost a week since it was released but i find it so amazingly well done that I find myself now making a post about it. Maybe it's just for myself or not. I hope anyways that you take your time and watch it just one more time, it deserves it=)

And I can almost certainly promise that you'll find something new in the vid that youu didn't see the first time.


Better maps in Cata!

Yes, i forgot to mention that maps from vanilla to WotLK is getting an much needed update. Not only will we get maps for the Azeroth's Dungeons and Instances but we will also see 3D images of the Bosses, their Loot table and Ability tables. And we will also get lore on the place and bosses=)

This is just the BIGGEST changes and there are many more. Read them all on


Outland and Northrend revamped...eventually!

So the news was released just a few hours ago that Northrend and Outland is gonna get an overhaul, eventually...=(

Well, we cant be grouchy about it, cause Northrend have about 1000 quests and their actually redoing the whole of Azeroth with its million of changes and its 3500 quests^^ So yea, we can cut them some slack cause as they said them selfs, time is the only thing lacking atm.

On another note, Firelands (Mount Hyjal introduction Instance) and Abyssal Maw (Vashj'ir) is introduced in 4.1.0 patch, but when it will be released is yet very uncertain. Yours truly believes it will most likely be somewhere around new years eve, either side of the year.


Another Hiatus...=(

Being on hiatus is never fun, some shit in life hits the fan and you get it all over ya face...ewww.
But thats the thing, it's almost always involuntarily (at least for me) and it comes when you least need it.

So whats new pussycat?
Well Blizzcon is on and almost over=/ But a lot of lovely news have been release about just WoW and Cata and there where a lot surprises (for me at least) about the new 4.1.0 patch=)

Oh and on the other hand, Blizzard has posted a temporary solution for the Headless Horseman/Loot bug with a macro script. Left click the macro button to disable the tool-tips (which causes the crashes) and right-click the macro to enable it again.

/script GameTooltip.Temphide = function() GameTooltip:Hide() end; GameTooltip:SetScript("OnShow", GameTooltip.Temphide)
/stopmacro [btn:1]
/script GameTooltip:SetScript("OnShow", GameTooltip.Show);

Hope it helps you.

On another side, Mike Morheimer and Co let us know that all the profits from the Pandaren Monk Vanity Pet from Blizzstore have been donated to Make-A-Wish-Foundation ( and that a Moonkin Pet is set to release in November at Blizzstore and if the trends sticks we might see the profits go to some other charity project=)

So what about you? Where did ya go off too?
-Well, starting a business takes time and I went to summer-school to learn Corporate Economy A. Which is kinds good to know when you gonna do budgets and keep books . So that's still coming along, takes a bit more time to find the right spot for the store and so on. So we'll see starting next year where I stand then.

Well thats all for me today. Talk to ya soon again=)

lördag 29 maj 2010

TESTING PS3 portable ID

[url=] [img][/img] [/url]

tisdag 11 maj 2010


So, I'm back from my hiatus and this is it so far;

Started a buisness few months back and its going forward. looking to open up the store late fall -10 or early spring -11
And it's gonna be a Roleplaying games store=)

AND.... im also up for beeing signed as a freelancing for Neogames rpg EON 4 Core Book, AND... im gonna publish my own Rpg later this year. Things is rolling on and my first company Amsa Graphic Art is staggering slowly on.

More to come=)

söndag 7 mars 2010

Battleground Extravaganza!

So, im sitting here with my cup o´joe (coffe) and reading through alot of PvP material and blogs and I find them all very intresting and amusing in their own little querky ways.

So I thought I'd give my own take on it.

First of, I allways hated the Mark of Honor that you had to collect, they were gruesome to gather, specially when your a mount collector like me=/

So removing those old things is a blessing, thanks blizz^^

AV, WSG, AB, EoE, WG and so on. I love them all=) But what blizz really have missed in the area of PvP is the balancing of players imo. Sometimes you end up with pre-mades and when you do, you can just Desert from the chosen BG and do something else, cause you know you wont have a chance in Helheim.

And the communication is allways a source of annoyance to me. Why not make the top 3 ranked PvP'ers the raid "guides" who can take command and form any sort of strategy!? Hearing someones scrawny voice over Voice in WoW could actually help your side. How many times haven't you been beating on some ally on one side of the keep and then you see that you missed the RW that they are attacking the other side of the keep or something in that area!? Annoying as frell><

This is no QQ post tho. I have to say that on my server I usually make the top 5 killers in any BG and it's a satisfaction I love. But what I do miss mostly in BG's nowdays, it is the adrenaline surge that comes when you first start of with BG's. Seeing the enemy come at you, heart racing, fingerse smaching keys and legs drumming away like a punkband drummer. It's a feeling you could die for=)

But nowdays people tend to change their oppinions about BG's as soon as a new patch is released. Few weeks ago, Prot warriors was the rage and they were demi-gods for a while. So ppl started nagging and i think they have been or will be nerfed soon. Sad really. I wanna see a BG that you dont need to be a certain build just to make it. We need to be able to hop on as a healer/dps or tank and make the best out of it. If we could, it would be great.

An idea i have had for a while was why not blizz have even thought of the idea of giving the two factions each a BG Keep that they could defend and spring surprice attacks against the opposing factions keep, from. Resetted each week with the interior beeing upgraded or downgraded depending if you were in charge of your own keep or not by the end of the week^^ A Keep where you could have around 40-50 small Instances that could be bought up by a guild. A small congregating room where you can keep your guild meetings and RP events away from prying eyes and curious noses.

Tha would be great to see, but I know it's just a lame dream that will never come to life.

What in store for the future then? Well, who knows. With Cata comming soon I dunno what will happend at all to all our old BG's, cause i dont think any of them will be there after the Cata, not in any way we remember them by. Would be cool if they actually made the BG's as they did with Queldanas. Weekly progressions were you have to force back the hostile mobs that have like zerglings swarmed over all our former BG's. And in the end when the mobs are dead and long gone and the BG is in "player" hands again, one could again start the BG and maybe be able to improve it for ones own side in some way.
Hmm, it sound cool's just a play with thoughts from a mediocer Hordie.

Whats your take on the future of BG's??

What do you think Cata will do to them and how?

And please take a moment and be kind and subscribe=)

What won't I do?

Aloha peeps! Ava the Pala here again.

So I was sitting down for some nice reading and i came upon the Breakfast Topic: What won't you do? article and i found it so amusing that i will continue it myself. First of, this is what Matt Rossi wrote;

I just plain won't kill critters.

It's a bit of a superstition that I developed after a beloved pet (a rabbit) died in real life shortly after I'd killed a rabbit in game. I should point out that I'm fully cognizant of the fact that my killing a digital rabbit in no way, shape or form actually harmed my real life bunny. It's simply not something I want to do ever since it happened. I don't want or need to believe in any sort of causal link to simply find it unpleasant to hear their little death screams in game.

I've gone so far as to kill a flagged player I had no interest in PvPing beforehand just because he killed a squirrel outside the Darkmoon Faire grounds.

I also generally won't gank lowbie players. If a toon isn't within at least 3 levels of me, it's just not sporting (as far as I'm concerned) and I don't see the point. I actually even rolled a horde toon on my old alliance server back in the days of Crossroads raids and geared him as best I could in BG gear just so I could attack my own guildmates (and let them know I was doing it) for raiding XR.

So now, how about you? What won't you do? Run lowbies through instances, twink, roll a warrior, what is that thing in game you're just never going to give a try?


So what won't I do? Well I will never run anyone through any Instance for money's sake.
I do that out of goodwill, since I can actually remember that I was once myself in the other end of that rope.

What else? Well I will never roll an Alliance toon neither.
I've done so a few times but I allways loose intrest in a day or two and end up not leveling the toons over lvl 25 or so. Dont know why, but I am and allways will be a Horde=)

Killing critters? Nope, I /love them instead=P Been trying to get those achievements for the /love pets for ages now, only thing stopping me is my lousy memory><

Never will I ninja either or ninjapull, those are the two things in WoW I hate with passion. Cause if you aint the tank, then why the frell should YOU pull any mob at all? And Ninjaing loot, thats just down dirty and dispicable. Thats the thing that send your soul to Purgatory.

What won't you do?? Please lets share what we won't do and see where we end up=)

Oh and please take a second of your time and subscribe to my blog here at ensidia=)

/Chaka ((chaka means bye in hawaiian))

söndag 21 februari 2010

The Battered Hilt.....

Today i started my personal quest for the Battered Hilt, not that i won it in ICC 5man nor did I buy it AH. I just started to grind gold for the redicolus amount of money that is needed for it, and according to my own rough calculations it seems that the sum of 68.900Gold is close to the sweetspot.

For you who read this and are not aware of the Hilt and it's material need/costs, the Hilt is a 0,1% rare drop from ICC's 5man, 3 lower Instances. And it sells for around 10k gold on any server. Exceptions can occur.
Basic cost of the Hilt is 10k.
After that you need to pay roughly 2k gold for each of the 25 Primordial Saronite needed.
Then when you are at the point where you have completed the long and hard chain quest you need to pay a BS roughly 500g plus a very movable sum of gold that cant be counted for due to the fact that if you have alts with the right profs, you can get away with just the 500g, but if you lack'em you can be forced to pay up to 2k gold, from what i have heard.

So whats the basic plan to get that sum?? Well I'm farming Crystallized Earth/Shadow/Water and Fire, all while i hunt nodes of Saronite and Titanium. The Eternals and Saronite I use to make Eternal Belt Buckle's and sell them for 50g a pop on AH while I save the Titanium and Fire/Earth and Shadows to smelt Titansteel Bars on my two toons and soon my 3rd toon too. By calculations i need to make 260ish Titansteel Bars to cover the costs, wow!

So i will also need to buy around 10 CD's of Smelting Titansteel per day and it will cost around 300g per day for that. The basic CD cost on The Sha'Tar server (EU) is 30g tip. And with that in mind I know that it will still take me 4 whole weeks more or less to make the almost 70k gold^^

And four weeks of 300g a day will accumulate to almost 9000g in smelting costs=/ Now that sucks a bit. But then again, when your done, you are just steps away from getting Shadowmourn=)

So thats the plan anyways!

Now the thing is that i wanna know if anyone else have a similar or better plan to make the gold needed for the completion of the Battered Hilt.


lördag 20 februari 2010

The Last Man Standing!

So, i've not been blogging for most of February due to IRL things, like work, birthdays and such, but now i return with a "Legendary" encounter story, atleast it was LEGENDARY (qouting Barney here) to all of us who attended.

It all took place last Monday the 8th. We, Visions guild on the Sha'Tar EU Server, allways raid ICC Heroic 10man Thursdays and Mondays, and this time were no different. Prepped and ready we embarked on the continued raid, since we took care of the Bosses up to and including Saurfang the previous Thursday.

This night we was all in good spirit and cleared Precious and mobs first and for a change we started with Rotface, the harder of the two "twins". Up till this night we have not downed him once even, but the others up till this point, around 10 times.

Funny as I am, i spit out "I will be the last man standing tonight" while we we're waiting for Madpog the Slacker to come back from a AFK;) Laughing aobut my comment we forgot it as soon as Poggy came back and we kicked of the raid for the night and wiped=/ Four wipes later we we're frustrated and flustered, but our spirit was still high. Our 6th try went smooth as a babys butt and we grinded him down to the last percent when all our healers died and after them all the dps and casters followed, all but me and the great Noar. I'm a Retribution Paladin just so you know^^ 150k HP (1%) left Noar and me starts to hammer him down but soon Noar falls at roughly 70k (0%) left on Rotface and there I was, The Last Man Standing!

I popped my bubble, let my Avenging Wrath forth and activated my Aura Mastery and Bursted him like i have never bursted before...All while i heard my raid-mates screaming a rugging NOOOOOOO!!! as Noar went down but as soon as they realized I was still standing they started to chant and scream my name and pepping me on. All this while i was in a euphoric panicattack facerolling my keys.

And as the last second of my bubble duration passed i managed to crit Rotface and strike him down with my Hammer of Wrath and see him fall!! And the same second he died, my ears started to bleed due to the roars and cheers of joy that was clogging up our Vent channel=) But by golly, it was a magical moment for me and for us all. I was directly claimed the Hero of the day and was showered with praise=) And the second i could calm down, me and yajah, i think, both came to realize what i had said earlier=)

I Was The Last Man Standing!

It was a Legendary night and as a extra reward I was the only one who had any good use for the DPS ring that dropped from him=)

söndag 7 februari 2010

Dante's Inferno

So I woke up a bit late today since i was up late last night playing Dante's Inferno on my newly bought Xbox360 Elite, which I got yesterday.

First impression was, DAMN. The graphic is stunningly smooth and beautiful. The story movieclips are a mixture of one of the best CG i've seen and a dark cartoon-ish style which is very telling and amazing. You get the feel of a storybook somehow.
And what about the game in it self? Well first of, the game developers over at Visceral Games cant be sane nor feel very good. The game ihas a 18yo limit to them and I think that most store who sell it really should enforce it as hell, cause this game, ladies and gentlemen, is NOT for the fainthearted or the young.
Blod, gore, suffering, horrid baby monsters and bodily mutilations are the kindest elements in the game.
Dont think I need to describe the game to much, but your playing Dante as a crusader who's love is stolen down into Purgatory by Lucifer and you head down to fight for her soul.
The story is all fictional ofc, Dante Aligiheri was never a crusader in his life. He was a Occultist, Poet, Politichian and a few other things.

Set aside from that, the game is superb. You get challanged quite ealy in the game even tho you play on normal (Zealot is the term in DI) and the monsters are amazing to behold. SOme are even really frightening, so you mom's and dad's out there, beware of the psykobabies in the game. They are not a pelasure to behold nor fight. And the sound effects in the game are there to really make the fear set in. Screams of pain and moaning of suffering is all around you as you progress furter down hell's circles. Then the lamenting start and the cries for help...brrr. Not pleasant, but oh, it does the game even better.

Gamestyle reminds of God of War. It's a linear game story with free movement within the path set for you. And allways are there somethign new to the challange in the story, like running on walls hanging in ropes thats caught fire from a firebelching thing, where you have to swing and jump to the next rope beore your's is snapped by the fire, while your fighting with your scyte;) And the bosses are superbly done.

Alot of nudity in the game tho. First time for me to see such extent of nudity in a game. We're talking tits in the masses here. Not that you'd get excited about it since the tit-owners are mean fuckin looking.
So whats my grade for this fantastic game?

5/5 for CGI
5/5 for Story
5/5 for Challange
4/5 for Controlls

So, I say, go buy it!
You will NOT get dissapointed!

But make sure the kids are in bed when you play it, cause if you let your kids be near or awake when you put this in your console, you'r not healthy in your head, ya sick bastard. IT'S NOT FOR YOUNG EYES, EVAH!!
Not even for your 12yo siblings nor kids, not even for the 14yo.
Dont complain about society today and kids got no respect for anything and such if you cant abide to the 18yo limit. it's there for a reason yao!


torsdag 4 februari 2010

No QQ over Saurfang no more

Evening good people!

Tonight we had a tremendous flow when we raided away. Im talking about WoW again^^; Im currently reciding in the guild Visions on the European server The Sha'Tar (RP) with my main toon Avaetarii the Retri/Holy Paladin and tonight was more or less magic. As usual we gathered a bit before 20.30 for our Thursday raid and prepp ourselvs, and as usual Poggy the Slacker is late;) We kicked off around 20.50 with the new boss Toravon the Ice Watcher in Vault of Archavon (might misspell it here) and had one wipe at the boss. Regrouped and rebuffed we banged our head against him anew and ripped him a new one;)
Done with him we went on to do the weekly raid, as usual on thursdays, and got Patchwerk in Naxx in less then 3min after we cleared the path from entrance up to him, which took less then 10min. Menoa got the Achief [Make Quick Werk of Him].

Onward to ICC with a quickstop in Dala and we were eager to start. Had 3-4 deaths just in the start due to a overloked trap and a overzealus big ass skelleton xD
Rest of the way we cleared with no trouble, Marrowgar downed and on to Ladybitch Deathwhisper. Here came the night only wipe in ICC^^
Passy our Holy Pala got DC'd in the beginning of the fight with her, so with one man out of the game we made due with what we had. We got her to 50-ish percent before we wiped due to a Fanatic.
Back on the floor we wait a few min for Passy to return and crack jokes about him while we wait;)

Back with us our imba Holy Pala makes sure we donw her with grace. Me and Mofoe was as usual the suspects to grind down her mana-shield.

The Battleship fight was next up and again I was put on a Cannon, damn I love it, with Kiache, our latest member, as cannon-partner. Down, down, down the Alliance ship went=)
Loot the lot and off we walked.

The usual "bla, bla, bla, broken promises, father-complex" from the Saurfang's and the fight was on. And down, down, down he went=D
Loot the loot and we were done for the night at 23.20 with one two wipes and 11 EoF (i think it was) and a 7 EoT in 2 and a half hour!!!

And to think that i actually got Ramaladni's Blade of Culling, lv 251, tonight.
And I bought my first T10 part=)
Now THAT'S what i call a smooth night xD

Monkey say monkey do crack!

So I wanna start my blogg by pasting in something muqq of Ensidia typed today about him and his fellow raiders beeing banned! I find it hard to believe but its a fact and I wana spread this around since is down due to heavy traffic since the post came up and spread the news^


Hello friends,

I got suspended today for supposedly and blatantly exploiting the Lich King encounter in 25-man mode. Here's the mail:


Date of Violation: 03/02/2010

Character Name Involved: Muqq
Type of violation: Exploitation ā€“ Abuse of in-game mechanics or glitches with intent to exploit or cheat in World of Warcraft.
Details: Use of Saronite Bombs to bypass The Lich King fight mechanics Consequences for Account: Account suspended for 72 hours, all items and achievements gained removed


We are writing to inform you that we have had to place a warning on your World of Warcraft account and temporarily suspend it. It is with regret that we take this type of action, but it is in the best interests of the World of Warcraft community as a whole, and for the integrity of the game. The use of these items bypassed a major portion of the encounter, significantly reducing the difficulty in a clear abuse of game mechanics. After your suspension has expired, you will be able to access the World of Warcraft servers again.

Please note that should any further violations of our Rules and Policies occur, this incident will be taken into consideration when determining the consequences to your account. This could include further warnings, account suspension or account termination.

We strongly suggest you review our current Rules and Policies to avoid further action in the future, they can be found at:

You can also find further information on the different levels of account penalty we can apply at:

If you have any further enquiries regarding your account status, please use the webform at the following address:

Please do not reply to this email as you will receive an automated response.


English Game Master Team
Blizzard Europe

First of all, I took the time to log onto the account management page and discontinue my payment plan. It's been a long and good 5 years and 2 months since day 1 of the US release of World of Warcraft. Many good memories were made, and fun times were had. That's over now. My subscription runs out of February 21st, which marks the last day of World of Warcraft for me. One player out of 11 million is nothing, so don't give me the crap about can I have your stuff. This isn't about me or my guild. It's about Blizzard and the fucking shit they pull.

Looking back, moving from Final Fantasy X! to WoW was a big step, and there's times that I regret making that decision, while on occasion I was happy to have taken the step. World of Warcraft was different back then. It was new, challenging and interesting. undoubtedly though, it was nowhere near as feature-rich as it is today, but that didn't matter back then. The game was a continuation of EverQuest, a game most of the senior development staff of World of Warcraft are familiar with on firsthand basis. Many of them played the game for years, and I can see that it served as a major inspiration when I look at what World of Warcraft was when it was released. Being an avid EverQuest player myself during a time, It drew me in further into the game.

Things have changed since those days, changed a lot. The game stopped being that fun. Less challenges were present in the game, and as we got through TBC and more so in WotlK, homogenization started to rear its ugly face in World of Warcraft. Everyone running around with identical gear, looking the same, doing the exact same things. With arenas, changes were made on a monthly basis that affected the way classes were developed, and subsequently also lead to how PvE was being done in the game. It got stale, predictable and repetative. The whole notion of hybrids in the midst of all this was just a fucking slap in the face by Blizzard. If you're going to remove everything unique and interesting about the classes, at least make them equal in the roles that they are performing.

Their idea of hybrid was something taken from classes in EverQuest, where people played classes that were jack of all trades, master of none, or very specialuzed roles, such as a pure buffer (bards etc). Classes that existed for one purpose, and nothing else. They removed most of those in WotlK, but still stuck with the notion that hybrids somehow offer something special just because they have the ability to respec to a different role. Kind of a strange take on the whole thing, considering what they've already done to make it easy in leveling and gearing up characters on the same account, with more and more things being accountbound rather than characterbound. Two-faced by Blizzard in my opinion. Removing the boundary between account characters on one hand, and at the same time claim hybrids needs to be penalized because they have the option of respeccing to perform different roles that a simple log out/log in would have taken care of.

Let's face it. This game is boring for veterans. The only reason it's still being played is because there has never been good alternatives during these 5 years. Age of Conan, Warhammer Online and Aion fucking flopped like shit. Really developers, if you want to make an MMO, don't go and fucking try to copy WoW. If people wanted to play WoW, they'd play WoW, not your shitty gimp ass version of it. Let it be a lesson to all you developers out there.

Anyway, back to the subject. This was as good time as any to drop this game and move on. Had been considering it for a while, and I always said to Buzzkill and the gang that I was just waiting for the sign. A sign from heaven to guide me on my way. Today, I received it. I doubt we'll ever get a perm-ban, as the loss of PR from banning topguilds is going to hurt their subscription numbers much more than quelling angry cries of the fucking noobs in this game ever would. Really, if you don't know shit about this game, just shut the fuck up and do something else. You level 1 posters and the forums can honestly go fuck yourselves, since you're too shit to know even the basics of this game.

Finally dear Blizzard:

Fix your goddamn buggy bullshit half-assed encounters. The amount of time and effort we dedicated to get through Wrath of the Lich king and Icecrown to see this guy die and take a turn at Arthas is just sick. To finally see him die only to have the ENTIRE raid banned is simply an insult. It's cheap enough to make a bugged fucking encounter, but to ban people when they do not know what's causing the bugs is just a fucking joke. Whoever came up with this sheer *fisting* of an idea can go fuck themselves. If you spent hours observing us in GM-mode when we beta-test the encounters for you on live, at least make sure you ban us for the right reason. Handing out suspensions when players encounter a portion of the game that is bugged is very short-sighted and insulting. There's been hundreds of thousands of bugs in this game up til now, and most people don't get banned, when just playing their game through the bugged content you throw in their face.

Shoving PTR down our throats every patch is one thing, it's fine that we fucking beta-test shit for you, but then you go and suspend players when they do content that was never tested on PTR, and happened to be bugged. Content which you don't bother quality-assuring more than sticking a fucking godmode GM and 5 test dummies into the encounter and blasting past the phases without using abilities. Give me a break. You know more than us that we kept using our normal rotations and didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Why would we bother trying to kill valkyrs every attempt, and have the bug happen on only about half of them before wiping? You think we wanted to waste attempts if we knew how to exploit this clusterfuck of an encounter of yours?

Do me a favor so I don't waste my guild's time on this kind of jackass fuck-fest again, send me an email at when you decide to A) Implement an encounter that wasn't designed by a retarded chimp chained to a cubicle B) Get a Quality Assuarance Department C) Actually beta test the !**#ing thing and D) Patch it live. And please for god's sake -- do it in the order I laid out for you. Don't worry, I won't charge you a consulting fee on that one. And for good luck you might as well E) Pull your heads out of your asses. While you're at it rename the game to World of Betacraft.

Rethink your fucking bullshit. Fix all the buggy motherfucking ICC encounters (I suggest you let whoever made the Blood Queen one do this since that dude apparently laid off the crack the rest of you were smoking). Fix fucking arenas, or better yet, remove that shit. Fix heroic modes (just guessing it's fucked up considering your track record). Don't have the resources to fix this stuff? Move the ENTIRE Cataclysm team over to fixing Icecrown Citadel AND DO IT NOW. If you don't fix this shit, you jackassess together with the 2 month-subscribers will be the only ones playing Cataclysm.

You got 1 week.

Thank you Blizzard, for these 5 years, but also, fuck you Blizzard, for these 5 years.

I just got banned, and I liked it.


As said, all this is pretty fucked up in so many ways i need to learn a third and fouth language just to have words to describe it.

And with that i end my first post here on blogspot